Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Legislation: 21st Century / International Law:

Prosecution: Legislation:

[Info] Adams, Alexandra. Der Tatbestand der Vergewaltigung im Völkerstrafrecht. Berlin 2013.

[Info] Altunjan, Tanja. Reproductive Violence and International Criminal Law. The Hague 2021.

[Info] Buchowska, Natalia. »Violated or protected: Women's rights in armed conflicts after Second World War.« International Comparative Jurisprudence (December 28, 2016).

[Info] Clark, Lauren. Seeking Accountability for Rape Committed by Indian Armed Forces in Jammu and Kashmir: An International Law Perspective. M.A. Thesis, Columbia University, 2017.

[Info] Coghlan, Ebba. At war with honour? Feminist perspectives on female honour and the regulation of wartime rape. Bachelor Thesis, Lunds universitet, 2016.

[Info] Copelon, Rhonda. »Toward Accountability for Violence Against Women in War: Progress and Challenges.« Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 232-256.

[Info] Crider, Lindsey. »Rape as a Crime and Crime against Humanity: The Effect of Rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda on International Law.« 40th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Political Science Association. Auburn 2012.

[Info] de Brouwer, Anne-Marie, et al., eds. Sexual Violence as an International Crime: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Cambridge 2013.

[Info] De Ruiter, Donja. Sexual Offenses in International Criminal Law: Cases and Documents. The Hague 2011.

[Info] Doherty, Teresa. »Sexual Violence in Conflict: Can There Be Justice?« World Bank Legal Review 6 (2015): 299-310.

[Info] Dube, Brian. »Understanding the content of crimes against humanity: Tracing its historical evolution from the Nuremberg Charter to the Rome Statute.« African Journal of Political Science and International Relations 9 (2015): 181-189.

[Info] Grey, Rosemary. »The ICC’s First ‘Forced Pregnancy’ Case in Historical Perspective.« Journal of International Criminal Justice (December 2, 2017).

[Info] Hagay-Frey, Alona. Sex and Gender Crimes in the New International Law: Past, Present, Future. Leiden 2011.

[Info] Henry, Nicola. »The Fixation on Wartime Rape: Feminist Critique and International Criminal Law.« Social & Legal Studies 23 (2014): 93-111.

[Info] Lapinsuo, Iida. Sexual Violence as a Weapon of Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the Yugoslav Wars: How Sexual Violence in the 1990s Yugoslav Wars and Establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Shaped International Humanitarian Law. Master Thesis, University of Helsinki, 2017.

[Info] Marochkin, Sergey Y., et al. »Rape and Sexual Violence as Torture and Genocide in the Decisions of International Tribunals: Transjudicial Networks and the Development of International Criminal Law.« Human Rights Review (2014).

[Info] Nelaeva, Galina A. ???????? ??????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????? ? ????????????? ?????????? ???. 1993-2008. Tyumen 2013.

[Info] Provost, René. »Sexual violence in the context of genocide: Legislative history and recent jurisprudence.« Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018.

[Info] Vrdoljak, A.F. »Women, PMSCs and International Law.« Gender and Private Force in Global Politics. Edited by M. Eichler. Oxford 2013.

[Info] Wachala, Kas. »The Tools to Combat the War on Women's Bodies: Rape and Sexual Violence against Women in Armed Conflict.« International Journal of Human Rights 16 (2012): 533-553.

[Info] Weiner, Phillip. »The Evolving Jurisprudence of the Crime of Rape in International Criminal Law.« Boston College Law Review 54 (2013): 1207-1237.